RTP Process and Its Parts

The so-called “return-to-play” (briefly – RTP) process aims to get the injured player back in the game in the short term. Plenty of factors affect RTP, and the decisions are traditionally made within the circles of medical practitioners based on personal experience. The weight of these decisions on an athlete’s career is hard to overestimate: the members of IST (integrated support team) consisting of therapists and clinicians have to address all relevant concerns of an injury and its impact on the professional capability of a player.

The parts of RTP decision-making include: evaluating the overall health status, the participation risk, and other decision modifiers. The complexity of the scheme still does not reflect its moral weight on an athlete. This is why VR startups like Rezzil step forward to reduce the stress level and help to speed up the RTP process for a player regardless of the severity of the injury.

Tactical Scenarios at Rezzil

Let’s say, the app gives access not only to live shows but to create your strategies and sports matches. It’s a chance to compare players and analyze the events; by using a creative approach and expanding the athlete’s physical capability. Don’t be skeptical about the advantages of Rezzil since it’s already conquered fans in 9 countries and it’s not going to stop.

Rezzil is a tool for developing a professional player from any level, even the initial one. It was not designed to suit only the athletes undergoing rehab but to explore and uncover potential young talents among the unknown names. The best advantage of Rezzil is that you can identify your strengths from the very first game alongside the skills you need to improve; besides, the proprietary Rezzil index and its technical adaptability can help you to achieve the next level on a professional path.

Specifics of Working with Injured Athletes

It’s hard to make a solid statement about trauma severity without a doctor; therefore you cannot decide how hard your training sessions are. Rezzil cannot replace a proper medical examination and treatment; it is an additional tool to help you stay fit but whether you’re good or not for a serious game should be decided by a general practitioner. However, from a different viewpoint, there is a much higher possibility to recover faster when using a complex approach during rehabilitation. Rezzil in particular is a practical addition to conservative therapy; the athletes who used it have already proven the positive results.

What’s Left to Say About Rehabilitation

Incorporating VR into a process of RTP aligns with the philosophy for attacking rehabilitation: “aggressive and objective”. While Rezzil, for now, is used majorly by football players, it remains accessible for different kinds of sports. VR is what making recovery smooth, and promotes athletes’ engagement and motivation. It has another advantage as well: by virtually transferring a player to various locations, Rezzil provides more challenging stimuli, equally emotional and physical ones. The exercises are more difficult in a virtual world requiring athletes to adapt faster and develop their accountability. Research shows the athletes aim for higher goals beyond the walls of a training room if they are motivated by different tasks and places during the rehab. The goal-oriented process tied to an objective part of a sports philosophy is a guarantee for a successful outcome. The more athletes concentrate on exercises the more they stay eager to get back at sports as soon as possible.